Sunday, February 1, 2015

Late Christmas

I finally got to see my sister Marcia today.  Our conflicting work schedules always seem to keep us apart even though we only live 30 minutes from each other.  She brought me some amazing Christmas gifts and I'm totally going to brag about them because they're fab and she did a brilliant job at picking them out!

First off is my late birthday gift (you know it has been forever since I've seen her since my birthday is in August).  I gave her a birthday present too and her birthday is I'm April.  We're crazy like that.

They're so cute!  I love the brand name too "Naughty Monkey" - this is getting used for makeup storage for sure.

 These are a little hard to see, but they are stickers, a notepad with snowflakes on it and two beautiful dream catchers.  I especially love the white one - it is glittery and has holly on it.

These kits have gorgeous beads and instructions to make shambala bracelets.  I've always wanted to learn the weaving to do these.

This will go so nicely with the one Andy and I have already.  We haven't planted it yet so we can put them in the same container.

I'm pretty obsessed with Marilyn Monroe.  Marcia said she rescued these from a film class student who was going to trash them!
That is flat out crazy pants.  I'm glad they are finding a good home with me.

These are the softest socks ever.  They are going to connive with the couch to get me to stay in one spot and watch Downton Abby all day.

Best coffee ever.  I'm beyond excited for a Steelers cup o' joe.

 My sister still knows that I would freak out with excitement over a Little Golden Book of Frozen.  Who needs kids to love these beautiful books?

 When I first opened this I was a little puzzled.  The box said "saki set" and had these beautiful Asian characters on it but what's inside was soooooo much better!

Marcia is SO freaking talented!  I love this Rudolph hat so much.  Next year I am going to wear it everywhere during the Christmas season.  I will hand out Halloween treats in it if it's cold enough?

Seriously.  How could you not love a person wearing this hat?

And her sweatshirt was the best.  It says "I'm a fabulous hooker".  Indeed.  (Although I think the hat was knitted).  She can knit or crochet just about anything you can think of and she showed me a fabulous Sven from Frozen she's making for me too!  She also made a fab piece for Andy which fits over the bill of his baseball cap and covers his ears and the back of his neck so he won't be cold at work.  He looks great in it and it is really timely because he just shaved his head!

We also had lunch at Pizza Hut and had some of their new drizzles and crust options on our personal pan pizzas.  Mine was flat out amazing.

Thank you so much Marcia for all the awesome Christmas gifts.  It was great to see you even though the snow cut our visit short.  I love you!

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