Monday, September 24, 2012

A Wonderful Freebie Site

Hi folks -

I talk a lot about being thankful for the little things, like the wonderful free stuff that pops up in my mailbox because I follow numerous Facebook pages and hear about offers for free samples and contests.  Cher at My Free Product Samples is a really fun blogger who posts all kinds of offers on her Facebook page and her blog.  She is genuinely excited to get free stuff and loves to share her passion with her readers and followers.  She runs a blog at that has tons of links to freebies, and has great offers and she often does awesome little contests that are flash giveaways or even just fun stuff to keep her readers interested.  You can sign up for her daily emails and get a round up of all the deals sent to your inbox.  She also loves a bargain and will post offers that she sees for inexpensive deals and bargain basement prices on sites for things like clothing and electronics.  She always tries to check out her offers to make sure they are the real deal and will try to fill out the forms to make sure they are legit freebies.  She even does super cute videos on Fridays called "Friday Freebies with Cher" where she shows you all the cool things you can find for free and posts links to them.  When she gets something awesome (like the iPad she won for being a top promoting Glyde ambassador) she shares the information on where you can sign up to try these things for yourself.  Thanks to her I am a BzzAgent and I have a great time trying products for that company.  It is worth your time to check her out.  Follow her Facebook page too and you can often get in on super fast limited time deals where you have to be one of the first 1000 people to sign up.  She posts them quick and I have gotten some super stuff like the 3oz. Eucerin lotion I got in the mail today.

On a personal note, I wish you all much love and I hope that you hug your folks today.  My mom and dad are both doing okay but are struggling with aging, Alzheimer's and their health.  I can't be there to hug them every day but I hope if you are anywhere near your family that you take this opportunity to tell them how much you care about them and give their neck an extra squeeze for me.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My mom...

      My sister had to step in and take my mother's car keys, cash and credit cards away today.  I feel bad for  both of them.  I have been really under the weather for the past few days and there has been lots of family drama to feed the ill feelings as there always seems to be when I get feeling poorly.  If I'm down I always wait for the kick because I know it is coming.

      On Monday the home my father is in caught on fire.  It wasn't really serious but it took them forever to respond because of the parade and the huge shindig that is "Buhl Day on Labor Day" which happens in my home town.  The residents in the wing that had been filled with smoke were transferred to my Dad's wing and they wouldn't allow visitors in or out which caused a ton of anxiety for my Dad.  Then, today, my sister was told by several neighbors and employees at the home that my mother's driving had really become dangerous and erratic and that she was going to be harmful to herself and others if she retained her license.  Also she had been giving money away and giving food and rides to people who were out to take advantage of her.  My sister had to step in.

     I remember this stage in my Aunt Nunny's Alzheimer's experience better than I care to.  I remember the one day we found my Aunt in the park by her home holding a large "cobblestone" bread that was intended for the ducks that she had been given by a man in the park who thought she had nothing to eat.  I felt helpless to see my Aunt desperately clinging to this stale, moldy round of dinner rolls.  I felt terrible for the man who tried to help her by letting her take the food for the ducks and mostly I felt for my mother who was left in charge of a woman who was losing her mind.  Now my sister is the woman in that position and my mother is losing her mind.  I don't think I could deal with the pressure my sister is now under, and I don't think I want to live long enough to have my mind ravaged by this illness.  I feel just as helpless and it isn't a good feeling.

       I hope that all of you appreciate the health and sanity of yourselves and you loved ones while you can.  Much love to all of you.