Saturday, January 10, 2015


Why is it that even on days where I get a ton of things done I still feel like I've gotten nowhere?  I know I actually got quite a bit done, but my list of things I hoped to accomplish was at least twice as long.  I always seem to set my goals a bit too high.

I am thankful that I got as much done as I did though!  

List of things I've accomplished today:

Put in four hours of overtime at work and almost finished prepping a job.

Packed up all the indoor Christmas decorations and put them in the boxes to get them ready to go in the attic.

Undecorated the tree, dismantled it, packed it in its bag and carried it downstairs.

Put together a gift I got Andy last year of a lighted Orioles decoration that will be part of our baseball decor downstairs.

Read three more short stories in a book I'm loving.

Took a wonderful nap.

Watched a great movie called The One I Love with Elisabeth Moss from Mad Men in it.  I was weird and crazy and I think it is the best thing I've seen in the last several months, maybe longer.

Made dinner even though it was just macaroni and cheese.  

Figured out a game plan for reorganizing the cabinets in the kitchen to make better use of the space and for displaying the cookbooks in such a way that I'll actually use them for planning meals each week.

Also made a plan to display my favorite books in a cute way that when I finish it will be totally Pinterest worthy.  (A girl can dream!)

I'm hoping that tomorrow I will have some pictures to share with some of the plans made into realities.  It could happen!

Hope you all are having a great weekend.  Stay warm friends.

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