Friday, January 4, 2013

Happiest of New Years to you all!

 Here is hoping all of my friends and family will have a fantastic year in 2013!

  I am starting off the year by resolving to blog more.  I love writing about the cool, fun little surprises that show up in my mailbox and I also love talking about beauty products, so that's what you'll hear more of.  I really think I am going to look into a job at Sephora or Ulta or even at Macy's behind their cosmetic counter.  I know I love talking about beauty and I love being happy and swooning over the latest products to come on the market, so hopefully that will be a great fit for me.  I am going to try my hardest to write at least twice a week on things that I think are awesome or interesting.  Hopefully the year will be so full of this stuff that I will be on here all the time!

This year I'm also planning to love myself more.  It seems like a very simple resolution, but it isn't always the easiest of paths for me.  If I can make every day a little happier, a little less stressful and really redirect and focus on the things that mean the most to me I think I can take this year by storm.  I am going to start making better choices in terms of what I'm eating, how physical I'm being (which reminds me I really ought to inflate my balance ball to be using while I'm online!) and just take better care of myself in general.  This year I will see the inside of a doctor's office when I feel just fine and I will make lots of little changes to feel better about myself.  One of the first things I have done (which I started a few weeks early) is to wear a little makeup every day.  This is kind of a big deal for me because I LOVE makeup and I never took the time or bothered because I thought nobody cared.  Just recently I realized somebody cares a lot.  Me!  I want to feel better about all aspects of myself and I've always felt a little more confident in mascara and lip gloss.  So starts my quest to love myself a little bit more.  You know what?  The girl in the mirror has some really pretty blue eyes.

What are your resolutions?  What can't you wait to do?

I can't wait to hear!


  1. Great post! I loved reading it and I think those are good resolutions! My resolution is not to have one and I am just going to be a better me, then I was last year. Thank you so much for your comment, it helps a lot and I can't wait for more posts from you in the future!

    1. Thank you so much! I always think that maybe I should just skip the resolutions too but this year I'm doing pretty good! I hope that "being a better you" comes with tons of happiness and a bright new year for you. P.S. - love the lace pattern that's your background. I used to design costumes so I love textile prints and embellishments. Can't wait to read more from you too!

    2. If you have time could you explain how to add the follow widget? I can't figure it out and the "help" section isn't very helpful. Obviously you were able to follow me, but I can't figure out how to get the button to appear on my blog. Thanks so much!

  2. Hi, am I able to follow you? I don't see the following widget.

    1. I have been trying to figure our how to add that widget for the past 45 minutes and all I have gotten is frustrated! I keep clicking on the help button and it tells me how to follow others but not how to add the widget. I did link it to my Google+ but it didn't help. I'll try and figure it out!
